Friday, November 11, 2011

#11 Thankful 4

I'm so thankful for my favorite Veteran.  I'm thankful for his sacrifice and admire him for the "many" wars he has fought in his lifetime.  I'm thankful for the lessons he brought back and taught us.
I'm thankful I'm his daughter.
Thank you, Dad - We love you!


Jessica said...

what a valuable and moving video. what a humble man.

Mike and Julie said...

My brother is a videographer and he interviewed Dad a number of years ago. He talks about all the different phases of his life with lots of 'dad-isms' and laughter. Rick gave us each a copy this year and it is truly a treasure to have.

robbi said...

Amen to everything you said! Your beautiful family photo is a legacy to Dad...I know how much he loved all of you, all of us. My hero!