Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Moving Day

Even though their house is a little further away, they will never be too far away because they are in our hearts. A big thanks to Uncle Steve & Aunt Cathy, Uncle Glenn, Jason & Ashlee, GGMa & GGPa for all the help and making it more fun.  Looks like beach days are in our future!

The truck was lots of fun to play in.
 Miss "G" brought a new book.
 Yes, the Tiger is coming with us.
 Uncle Steve and Aunt Cathy helped lots.
"I not George!"
 Bringing all the backpacks and testing the appliance straps
It was a very long drive. 
 They have a nice lemon tree
Ashlee and Jason helped, too.  Lukas read to her.
 Grampa took a break and watched part of a movie.
Even GGMa and GGPa came for a visit. 
Their first beach day.
 We like your new home!  We will come visit often :-)

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