Friday, November 19, 2010

#19 Thankful 4

my other mom
I'm thankful for Fran! She has been my other mother since I was 16! She accepted me into the family and taught me good to ski, how to pack a car/trailer/picnic basket (her cb handle was "handy packer"),  she helped me care for my children, she gave me Mike, and so many other things. Thank you Fran, we love you!

To "His" Mother
"Mother-in-law" they say, and yet,
Somehow I simply can't forget
'Twas you who watched his baby ways,
Who taught him his first hymn of praise;
Who smiled on him with living pride
When he first toddled by your side;
And as I think of this today,
Me thinks that I'd much rather say
Just "Mother."

"Mother-in-law" but oh, 'twas you
Who taught him to be kind and true;
When he was tired, almost asleep,
'Twas to your arms he used to creep;
And when he bruised his tiny knee,
'Twas you who kissed it tenderly;
When he was sad you cheered him too,
And so I'd rather speak of you
As "Mother."

"Mother-in-law" they say, and yet,
Somehow I never shall forget
How very much I owe
To you who taught him how to grow,
You trained your son to look above,
You made of him the man I love;
And so I think of that today,
Ah! Then with thankful heart I'll say
"Our Mother."

~Minnie Price~

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